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A Bit About Us

Locke & Eastwood was established in 1985 and for many years were domestic carpet suppliers, but over time expanded into contract work which is now their primary business. 

The whole team operates to only one standard which is the highest - our team motto being

"Don't fit anything you wouldn't expect in your own front room!"

Our customer base is varied and we are proud to have some that we have worked for, for over 30 years including a house provider with over 4,000 properties.

Get in Touch

Operations Centre

Unit 9, Aston Fields Industrial Estate, Sugarbrook Road, Bromsgrove, B60 3DW

07774 967 845

Head Office

Eastwood House, Hollowfields Close, Redditch, B98 7NR

01527 543890

©2022 Locke and Eastwood.

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